"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into flame by an encounter with
another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light."
~Albert Schweitzer~
"Think where man's glory most begins and ends,
And say my glory was I had such friends."
~William Yeats~
(Note to you wacky friends of mine...your order in this list has nothing to do with how important/special/loved, etc. you are by me :)! Just more randomness on my part!)
"It is a sweet thing, friendship, a dear balm,
A happy and auspicious bird of calm..."
~Percy Bysshe Shelley~
Kristen - also known as Kris or "Foxy Lady" (Just ask Kris & I about the joys of WBS! *lol*).
Kristen is one of my closest friends...and my "soul sister" in defining the essence of the word "dweeb" and attempting to figure out the male species :). We went to college together, so I've known her for five years now, although it seems like I've known her always. In all honesty, she's one of the "coolest" people that I've had the privilege of knowing :). Kris has been around the world, sung a song or two, and writes about it all. :)
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."
~Henry Ford~
Erica - aka Er-i-ca (it's a pronunciation thing!)
Erica is also one of my closest friends...and although we're not related by birth, she is my "sister" in heart. We appear as total opposites on the surface, but inside, we're pretty much the same :). Erica and I also went to college together, so I've known her for five years as well. Erica had the privilege(?) of being my roommate our senior year in college...but don't ask her to tell you any horror stories about me, 'cause she won't! (Or will she? *lol*).
"I count myself in nothing else so happy
As in a soul rememb'ring my good friends."
~William Shakespeare~
Sara - aka Sa-ra, Demigod of the Universe (as opposed to me, the Center of the Universe *lol*).
Sara is next in my trio of wonderful friends...again, went to college with her, known her for five years...you know the drill :). Sara is also a primary contributor to Kristen's & my quest to define "dweeb" *l*. Sara and I share a love for Impressionistic art, cats, Paul Rudd, & our mutual missed "calling" to the stage :).
"The happiest moments my heart knows are those in which it is pouring forth its affections to a few esteemed characters."
~Thomas Jefferson~
Dave - aka Sir David, "Cool Ranch Chip"
Dave is one of my "online" friends...I met him through WBS, although we have met in person. We've known each other for two years, & it is a friendship I am very thankful for :). Dave is my personal "cheerleader"... he always uses his great sense of humor to cheer me up when I'm down or just to entertain me in general *s*. He and I share partial insanity *lol*, a far too extensive knowledge of American pop culture, and frequent usage of the phrase "Crack that whip!". (Oh, excuse me, Sir David, that's my favorite phrase!) *lol*.